Upcoming SEJ regional events

SEJ Toronto Pub Night Series
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

WHO: Toronto and area members of the Society of Environmental Journalists (and friends)
WHAT: Pub night for journalists who cover environmental issues (or want to)
WHEN: Tuesday, May 5. Start time 7:30 p.m., with guest speaker at ~8:00 p.m.
WHERE: Harbord House, 150 Harbord St. (between Spadina and Bathurst), Toronto, Ontario, Canada

SEJ Pub Nights take place the first Tuesday of every month, in the upstairs bar at Harbord House. Please try and let us know if you can make it so that we can book sufficient space. Each month we invite a guest speaker for a brief, informal conversation about an area of interest. We welcome journalists who cover environmental issues, or who wish to, as well as journalism students, academics, and other interested parties. The goal is to get some useful information and having ample opportunity to chat about environmental journalism amongst ourselves. Note: There will be no pub night in June as the first week is a busy one with many conferences taking place in Toronto.

May 5 Guest Speaker: Ravenna Barker, an urban agriculturalist with Foodshare Toronto

Hope to see you there! Feel free to invite interested colleagues.

To RSVP and for more information: SEJpubnight@saunderseditor.com

Past speakers include:

March 3, 2009: Jane Story, Manager, Policy & Communications, Ontario Sustainable Energy Association. Hot on the heels of Ontario's Green Energy Act announcement comes an opportunity to explore the background informally with one of the proponents. Jane has been involved in environmental issues for many years, first as a reporter for NOW Magazine in the early 80's and more recently as communications officer for Greenpeace Canada and WWF Indochina. She also has extensive experience working with indigenous people in Canada, where she established a communication office for the United Chiefs and Councils of Manitoulin, and overseas, working in Papua New Guinea, Lao, Vietnam, Cambodia, Palestine and the Solomon Islands, where she was employed by the United Nations Development Program. Jane earned her Hon. B.A. in English from the University of Guelph and studied photography at the Polytechnic of Central London (England).

April 7, 2009: Cara Sloat, a professional engineer and designer with Cobalt Engineering. Cara is a green building specialist whose project experience ranges from single off-grid houses to shopping centres and office towers. T'was a great night for those who write about real estate, environmental design or retail.

The Changing Climate Issue: Reporting Ahead Of The Curve
Next dates and locations TBA

Day-Long Seminars for Print, Radio and TV Journalists and Editors

The University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication, the Climate Leadership Initiative at the University of Oregon and the Society of Environmental Journalists are collaborating on a series of day-long seminars for journalists on one of the most pressing and debated issues of our time: climate change.

The topic of climate change has expanded beyond the science section to encompass business, finance, outdoor, lifestyle, health, and political beats. More than ever, reporters in every part of the newsroom must understand the effects of climate change in order to explain it to their publics. These seminars provide an opportunity to hear presentations and panel debates by national and regional scientists, economists and policy experts, as well as journalists who have experience reporting on climate change. The seminars provide a forum for discussion and generate story ideas for members of the media covering many beats.

To date, two events have taken place, both in Oregon: October 27, 2007, in Portland, and June 9, 2007, in Ashland. A series of workshops more easily accessible to media in rural parts of the region is planned: in Ashland, La Grande and Florence, Oregon; Spokane, Washington and Redding, California. You'll find a climate change sourcebook, past seminar details (including agenda, speakers and bios) and information on upcoming seminars here.

About SEJ's regional conferences

SEJ's regional conferences sprout up wherever enthusiastic and energetic SEJ members join together to organize an event. These events range from three-day sessions including panels and keynoters to simple beer-and-pizza meetings with local experts or policy makers willing to spend a few hours with a handful of journalists. If you're an SEJ member and want to organize an SEJ event, click here. Read about selected past SEJ regional conferences.

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The Society of Environmental Journalists
P.O. Box 2492 Jenkintown, PA 19046
Telephone: (215) 884-8174 Fax: (215) 884-8175


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