SEJ office and membership contacts

How to contact SEJ members

Online membership directory: SEJ members may use our online membership directory to search for other members by name, occupation or area of expertise. This valuable resource and others, such as access to our archived Internet mailing lists and discount conference registration, are among the many benefits of SEJ membership.

Postal mailing list: The SEJ membership mailing list, with names and addresses of over 1,000 environmental journalists and journalism academics, may be rented for single use only as pressure-sensitive labels or Excel data file. Prices are $100 for members, $234 for academic institutions and $462 for standard non-members and government. Nonprofit organizations with annual budgets of $1,000,000 or less may rent the list at the academic rate. For more information or to place an order, contact the SEJ office at (215) 884-8174. Alternatively, download a Mailing List Rental order form to print and fax to (215) 884-8175 (requires free Adobe Acrobat ® reader.)

Electronic press release distribution service: You can send your message to over 1,175 of our more than 1,500 members. Prices are $100 for members, $234 for academic institutions and $462 for standard non-members and government. Nonprofit organizations with annual budgets of $1,000,000 or less may rent the list at the academic rate. Job postings and fellowship announcements may be placed for a reduced rate of $60. Messages must be plain text or HTML and are limited to 1,000 words, though releases of 600 words or under will most likely be more effective. SEJ staff will not format releases — they must be formatted for email before sending to SEJ. For more information or to place an order, contact the SEJ office at (215) 884-8174. Alternatively, download a Mailing List Rental order form to print and fax to (215) 884-8175 (requires free Adobe Acrobat ® reader.)

Come to our conferences: SEJ has an annual conference in the fall and several regional conferences each year. Non-members are welcome to attend the annual conference and many of the regional conferences. For prices and other information, contact the SEJ office at (215) 884-8174.

Advertise in SEJ publications: Run your display ad on (home or annual conference page), in the quarterly newsletter SEJournal or our Annual Conference Program Booklet. Full details.

How to contact SEJ's staff

Beth Parke
Executive Director
(215) 884-8174

Chris Rigel
Director of Programs and Operations
(215) 884-8177

Carol Nolen
Senior Programs Associate
(732) 776-7046

For information about membership and other questions:
Linda Knouse
Records Manager and SEJournal Design Editor
(215) 884-8174

For information about SEJ's Annual Conference:
Jay Letto
Annual Conference Manager
(509) 493-4428

For SEJ website technical inquiries/comments:
Cindy MacDonald
Web Content Manager

For EJToday, TipSheet and WatchDog TipSheet inquiries:
Joe Davis
(301) 656-2261

For SEJournal editorial inquiries:
Mike Mansur
(816) 234-4433

For inquiries/comments on SEJ's Spanish-language membership network, programs and services:
Talli Nauman
Diversity Program Associate
(215) 884-8174

The Society of Environmental Journalists
P.O. Box 2492 Jenkintown, PA 19046
Telephone: (215) 884-8174 Fax: (215) 884-8175

© 1994 Society of Environmental Journalists
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