Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

TX Railroad Commission Approves Toxic Waste Ponds Next to Baptist Camp

"Texas regulators recently authorized a company to operate ponds to store and recycle millions of gallons of oilfield wastewater laced with toxic chemicals next to a Baptist summer camp in the Permian Basin."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/27/2024

Dead Livestock And Poisoned Water — Texas Farmers Sue Over PFAS Pollution

"Two Texas farm families have seen their health decline, their pets and livestock sickened and killed, their water poisoned and and their property values wiped out due to high levels of chemical contamination linked to a company marketing treated sewage sludge as a fertilizer and soil conditioner, according to a lawsuit filed by the families."

Source: The New Lede, 02/22/2024

'Gaslit' Project Spotlights Challenges of Teaching Investigative Journalism

Research, collaboration, human-centered storytelling and the ineluctable element of time — all these were among the facets of a complex, award-winning investigative report run by a team of students at Arizona State University on excessive and harmful natural gas flaring. How the project came together, and the lessons learned, in the new EJ Academy from column co-editor and longtime educator Bob Wyss.

SEJ Publication Types: 
February 28, 2024

Coppell Sustainability Summit

This free event, hosted by the Coppell Eco Club in Coppell, Texas, 6:00-8:30 p.m., is aimed at creating change at a city-wide and political level to become more environmentally-conscious. RSVP now for a fun night of movies, free food and exceptional speakers.


Giant Baytown Refinery Complex Wants To Expand Amid Community Backlash

"Exxon’s Baytown complex in the Houston-area has the third largest oil refinery in the U.S. and is requesting permit renewal for its olefins plant despite repeated violations to the Clean Air Act."

Source: EHN, 02/15/2024

"Arizona Monument Created By Biden Faces Volley Of Lawsuits"

"Opponents of a sprawling national monument surrounding the Grand Canyon National Park on Monday launched a pair of lawsuits challenging the site, opening another front in a Republican effort to roll back presidential authority to protect federal lands."

Source: E&E News, 02/14/2024

Chemical Plants, Terrorism and Regulations May Be Back on the Agenda

For years, high-risk U.S. industrial facilities fell under a federal anti-terrorism program to ensure their potentially lethal chemicals would not become terrorist targets. But when the program expired last year, something unexpected happened. Veteran chemical industry reporter Jeff Johnson has a behind-the-scenes look at the maneuvering over how best to secure the country’s dangerous chemical stores.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Images Raise Hopes Of Return Of Wild Jaguars To The US

"Jaguars once roamed throughout the American south-west, but they were hunted to local extinction by the 1960s. In the 1990s, the elusive cat began to occasionally reappear in the rugged Sky Islands mountain ranges in New Mexico and Arizona. Now, a series of sightings in the region over the past year marks the endangered predators’ tentative return."

Source: Guardian, 02/07/2024


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