
November 20, 2024

SEJ Webinar: Covering the Tough Stuff — How to Report on Industrial Decarbonization

The next #SEJWebinar will explore an essential yet underreported area of energy transition coverage: industrial decarbonization. Canary Media reporters Maria Gallucci, Jeff St. John and Julian Spector will guide us through the challenges heavy industries like steel, cement and concrete face moving toward sustainable production. 1pm ET.

February 14, 2025

DEADLINE: Fellowships To Attend the 2025 Global Investigative Journalism Conference

The conference, taking place Nov 20-24, 2025 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is offering fellowships (travel, lodging, meals, conference registration) to journalists from the Global South, and those from historically underrepresented groups, to participate in this biennial event. Deadline: Feb 14.


"Greening Concrete: A Major Emitter Inches Toward Carbon Neutrality"

"Concrete is the most ubiquitous man-made building material on the planet, but making it generates massive amounts of CO2 emissions. Companies are experimenting with ways to green the process, from slashing the use of limestone to capturing the carbon generated when it’s burned."

Source: YaleE360, 10/31/2024

"Geothermal Energy Promises to Help Some Communities Get Off Fossil Gas"

"In a leafy neighborhood in Framingham, Massachusetts, cars traverse a freshly capped trench conveying a newly implanted pipe below the roadbed. From the jet-black strip of tar at the surface, one could imagine that the local gas company just replaced another of New England’s leaky gas mains. In fact, the infrastructure buried this year in Framingham marks a clean break from fossil-fueled business-as-usual. Rather than delivering combustible methane gas, Framingham's newest piping carries tepid water that’s the lifeblood of a geothermal energy system—technology that could help put gas pipes out of business across the United States."

Source: Sierra, 10/31/2024


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