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In March 2002, the Society of Environmental Journalists' board of directors formed a Freedom of Information Task Force "to address freedom-of-information, right-to-know, and other news gathering issues of concern to the pursuit of environmental journalism." These pages are one result of that task force work.
- See also: Covering Protests and Staying Safe for resources and webinars.
SEJ WatchDog
WatchDog opinion column advocates open information in a personal voice — that of columnist Joseph A. Davis. The archives of WatchDog Alert (formerly WatchDog TipSheet) contain news and tools on access to environmental information from 2008-2020.
The SEJ Freedom of Information Task Force
SEJ's team of volunteers works for more open environmental information.
Key FOIA Resources on the Internet
Includes categorized resource links as well as automated, fill-in-the-blank forms for FOIA requests and state-by-state records requests.
Freedom of Information Act Fundamentals
A primer on how, when and why to use the federal Freedom of Information Act, with lots of tips from a veteran FOIA user.
SEJ Speaks on FOI Issues
Positions taken by SEJ advocating access to environmental information and supporting media's right to know on behalf of the public.